Publish with FrontPage

Firstly you will need to switch on frontpage extensions on your control panel. Linux Cpanel users see Frontpage Extensions instructions.

Firstly Launch Microsoft Frontpage then Click FILE, 'Open...' to bring up a single file or 'Open Web' to open a website created in Front Page.

Then point it to the exact folder in your hard drive or diskette where you saved your web pages. Highlight the location and double click it to display the contents. Click 'Open'

The following view will appear on Front Page.

5. To publish your files, click 'File' and 'Publish Web...'

The publish location will be http://www.yourdomain. Then Click PUBLISH. You will then need to enter the name and password you were given and click OK.

It will start publishing and once it is finished click DONE.

You web site should now be complete.

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